Friday, July 17, 2009

We are in Bellingham..but it seems odd.

Friday, July 17, 2009
Our Days Inn Campground was right next to a truck stop, so we went over to the restaurant and had breakfast before we got on the road.  The route we took through the mountains wasn't bad at all, (It was I 90)we got through much faster than we thought we would, we left around 9 AM and got to the campground in Lynden, (about 8 miles from Bellingham) around 1PM)  We are at Cedars RV Park.  Very nice, the entire front of the property along the road has cedar trees next to each other, forming a front "fence", in addition to that each campsite has a row of cedars on each side of it, so there is privacy.  All sites are set up to be pull through.  It was in the 80's by the time we arrived here, very unusual for Bellingham to get that warm.  As soon as we had camp set up, we went to the pool and that is where we spent the afternoon.  We both commented on how strange it seems to be in Bellingham and not have Holli and her family here, even though things are familiar, it all seems odd.  Went to Trader Joe's, a super market that carries a wide variety of natural and organic products at very reasonable prices.  I love to shop there.  Our nearest one in MI is in Ann Arbor.  I'm lucky if I get to go to it once a year.  I'll stock up on a few things before we head for home.
Tomorrow we head for Canada.  We will catch the ferry to Vancouver Island at Tewwassen.  I am a bit nervous about driving the Firefly onto the ferry, but I know I have many praying for me.   Thanks. We aren't sure how long the border crossing will take, we have passports, and all of Buttons papers are according to the USDA in Lansing.  Other t@da owners have told us there is a probability that we could get stopped because the custom agents may be  curious about our cute little trailer.  We're hoping we get an agent that could care less about it or has seen at least 50 of them.  We had several compliments on it when we checked in, and a few hints for a tour before we even had camp set up.  No dice on that today, it was too hot, we were tired and wanted to get to the pool for some much needed R & R, so we politely pretended like we didn't get the hints for a tour. 
If we made reservations for the Ferry and didn't get there on time, we lose our spot and our $$, plus we have to pay again to go across.  At  around $170.00  a pop, we decided it was best to take our chances.  Hopefully we won't have a long wait.  We prayed and left it in the Lord's hands.  We already have our campground reservations on Vancouver Island.  Just a simple campground,  although it is near the ocean, we chose it because it is close to where Holli will be, she will bring Ginger to us each day, early in the morning.  Willow and Meadow will be sleeping in the Firefly with us.  During the day we plan to be out and about, exploring the Island, or at least part of it.  We'll pack a picnic lunch and snacks each day and be on our way.  We are praying for clear weather the whole time we are there.  I think a rainy day with 3 kids in an 18 foot trailer could lead to insanity.  Driving back to MI insane could make the trip very entertaining.  ( for everyone but me.)  We are asking the Lord to give us an opportunity to connect with Willow and Meadow on a spiritual level.  Who knows perhaps He will open the doors for us to present the plan of salvation to them.  That would be great.  Please pray for that.  we  don't want to force the issue, but know that God can make it all flow naturally.  It would be a huge blessing to see them both accept Christ as their savior.
Not sure how often I will get to post on this after tonight.  I have a feeling that taking care of all 3 kids  for that many days will wear Grandma and Grandpa out, yet I am so glad the Lord provided for this trip so we could come and help Holli out.  We haven't seen the girls in nearly a year, so are looking forward to connecting with them and having fun.
As of today we have driven 2729 miles.  
I'm tired and must look up the ferry times for tomorrow yet, so I'll close.  Next time I post it will be from Canada.

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