Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Surviving the hot weather

If any of you have been watching the national weather you have probably heard about the heat wave here in WA.  It is hot.  103 in seattle today, about 98 here.  We have been planning our days around trying to keep cool.  Today we drove about 20 miles to the Canadian border, crossed and went to an  indoor Aquatic Center.  It was a relief to cool down, and be out of the sun.  They had a pool for the little one, a large pool that they intermittently turned into a wave pool.  Having never been to  an aquatic park with a wave pool before. I had no idea about a wave pool or how it worked.  No one told me that the loud whistle meant the waves were going to start, however I did  kind of wonder why so many kids were hurrying to the pool.  I can swim, and will go in the deep end and swim around a bit, but I'm more comfortable in the shallower end of the pool.  Since we were in Canada, the pool depth was not marked in feet, I looked around at some people getting in to see how deep it was on them, and finally decided it would probably be about up to my chin, I got in and then Tony got in.  Then the waves started.  Of course we were at the end of the pool where they were biggest.  Had I been up to my chest in the water I probably would have  taken the waves much better than I did while in water up to my chin.  One minute I could touch the bottom and the next a wave was washing over me, them another.  I looked around wondering who in the world would be so rude and  jump around and make such big waves, then 3 or 4 more came.  It seemed each one was bigger than the last,  After 2 or 3 more of those I was ready to get out.  After we got out Tony remarked, "I guess that must be a wave pool."  My reply, "I prefer to swim in calmer water," and I proceeded to the kiddie pool to watch Ginger splash around.  I did get brave enough to go down the lazy water, water slide.  It was fun, but once was enough for me.  I think we did the hot tub after that.  Later on, when the waves were "inactive" we went  back in the pool, but in a different spot.   We all had lots of fun.  We left around 5:30.  When we started the car up, the thermometer showed a reading of 109 degrees, it cooled down to 103 once we had been driving for a bit.  It was still at 100 when we pulled in Hollis' driveway.  We decided it was too hot to cook, so went out for supper.  Normal summer temps here are in the mid 70's with a nice ocean breeze, so this hot weather is very unusual.  After supper Willow, and Meadow knitted on the Mattel hand cranked knitting machine that I brought along.   Meadow cranked out a tube sock for ginger and Willow will do the mate for it tomorrow.  Earlier in the day I set up my antique sock cranking machine, and made Willow a pair of socks.  (I still have to close the toes on them.)  
It is  in the 80's and it is past 10PM.  More hot weather predicted tomorrow.  I think we have invitations to go and swim at Hollis' friends.  The next day we head back to MI.  Can't believe the time has passed so quickly.  

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