Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Black Hills

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Today we went to Mt Rushmore, what a wonder to see.  The history of it is so intriguing, what an example of perseverance.  There was a wonderful guitarist playing at Mt Rushmore, we bought on eof his CD's to use as massage music.  we listened to it in the car as we drove on a winding mountain road to Custer State Park.  I left my camera in the Firefly, but bought a disposable one at the Mt Rushmore gift shop.  I was glad I did, later when we were driving through Custer State Park, the wild burros were coming right up to cars and eating out of peoples hands.  One came and stuck his head right in my window.  Tony got to pet one, but when they realized he had no food for them, they quickly moved on.  I was able to take some pictures.  We were hoping to see some of the Bison that roam freely in thsestate park, but no luck there.  Had lunch at a "bawdry eating establishment" in Keystone called "Ruby's."  We even heard a few "shots" from the saloon next door.  So much beauty all around us, it's easy to see the work of the Lord's hands here.  
Early to bed tonight, we already have the trailer hooked up to the Volvo, so it shouldn't take us long to get going in the morning.  No idea where we will park Firefly tomorrow night, we'll just have to see how far we end up going.  Our goal is to make it to the ferry to Vancouver Island by Saturday, so we will have some long driving days ahead of us.  Our last Cracker Barrel will be in Montana, so we'll have to stock up on audio books there.  

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