Sunday, July 26, 2009

Latest update and some catching up.

I am behind on my postings, things were very busy for us on Vancouver Island.  We were up each day shortly after 6 A.M. , (Holli had to leave for school at 7 A.M.)  Willow and Meadow were troopers about getting up early.  We usually had breakfast ( and our other meals) at the house, so that made things easier.  We spent one afternoon at a nearby lake,  I found it was too much for me to keep track of 3 kids in and near the water, so much to the kids dismay, we stuck to the playground  after that.  With 3 kids to care for and meals to prepare, our days were full.  By the time we got back to Firefly each night we were tired.  Usually a short walk around the park or to the ocean, (about a 10 minute walk through a field and through the woods) and we were ready to settle in for the night.  Willow and Meadow however, weren't, so we usually played a game of Yahtzee or something before going to bed. Ginger had a cold the last 2 days we were there and spent lots of time on my lap.  Grandpa finally befriended her by coaxing her over to hear his watch crow like a rooster.  She now wants to hear it anytime she sees him.  However, when she saw us come to her house, she wasn't very happy, figured it meant Mommy was going to go and she would be stuck with us.  Hopefully by the time we go she'll be glad to see us come and see her.
The weather on the island was quite hot and dry, like we are experiencing in WA right now.  
On Friday the girls and I worked hard to get  things done, so Holli would have less to do before 
leaving on Saturday.  When Holli got home from school she decided to take the late ferry that night.  After being gone for 3 weeks, she wanted to wake up in her own bed.
We took the 10 A.M. ferry the next day.  On our way back to Bellingham we heard the forecast for more hot and dry weather and decided to stop by the Cedars Campground and see if they had any open sites.  They had only 2 left,  we decided to stay here for 3 days, that way Holli and her family would have some time before we camped at their house and we could all use the pool here at the campground.  We set up camp and took a dip before heading to Hollis'.  
When we arrived without the Firefly she was surprised and asked us where the trailer was.  With a very straight face I told her it was seized at the border because we didn't have the right paper work.  She wondered what in the world we would do and how we would get it back, but not for long, we told her we had decided to stay at the campground for a few days so we could all enjoy the pool during the hot weather.  Later on we all came back and took a dip.  Got a rain storm right after we got back to her house.  We shared a yummy stir fry made from veggies from the garden and then headed back to the Firefly.  Found out that there had been quite a bit of wind here, a few people had awning issues, but things were fine at our site.  (kind of glad we couldn't afford to add our awning this year, but  in the future we'll try to  be mindful that wind and awnings don't mix.)
Today was our first day to be lazy in awhile so we did.  Had a second cup of coffee and took a leisurely shower, while the sheets were washing next door.  After lunch we went to the pool again, about an hour later Holli and the girls came.  They swam for a bit and had a snack, the girls had a birthday part to attend, so they left,  We went to the Trader Joes' to restock the cupboards.  Treated ourselves to a marion berry pie, I'll be cutting into that soon, Tony needs his bedtime snack, I'll indulge as well.  Can't tell you too much about the marion berry, other than it grows in WA and tastes tummy.  The pie is calling, so I'll say goodbye until my next update.  

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